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Welcome to Riverview School (a PBIS school)
What is PBIS?
     Riverview promotes positive behavior on our school campus through the Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports program (PBIS). This program, sponsored by the Fresno County Office of Education, is a school wide effort to explicitly teach students school wide expectations for positive behavior and provide supports and interventions to help students be successful.
     When students exhibit good behavior, we see many benefits including a safer campus for all and more effective learning environments in the classroom with time focused on instruction instead of redirecting student misbehavior.
     The PBIS program includes a system of incentives to motivate students and reward their “positive behavior”. Our incentives reward whole classes, individual students, and teachers/staff for their efforts in helping to make Riverview School the best school it can be. Riverview School was selected as a Model PBIS school for the 2012 through 2016 school years.





Culture and Climate Poster 2019. Pictures of students participating in school activities and a list of activities offered at school.